
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2018

A sport

Hello, everyone today i will write about a sport i do to keep fit and that sport is callisthenic, the callisthenic is a system of physical exercises with your own corporal weight. These exercises have different kinds of difficulty depending on the skills and the muscle you like to work on, for example squats, dips, pushups, pull-ups etc. I have been doing it since 2014 when a friend I met in the summer school in Santiago invited me to go to the beams in the o’higgins park and they showed me some exercises and from that moment I liked it. I do it one time at week and if I have time twice a week, for 30 mins to 1 hour. I do it in the park near to my house in my house and if I have more time, I go to Bustamante Park. I like it for many reasons first, it’s free to do you only need your will, you can do it in the parks, house and the gym and without an additional material for the training. Another one is, I feel strong when I charge my own weight when I do pull ups or dips. Actually,


Hello everyone, today I will write about a drawing I did. This draw was made with water colors and ink pens and was my first time I used watercolors. The place I drew is in Chiloe near to Queilen a little city in the south of the island I saw it in a magazine of houses and I really like it because his background of sea and green hills. In the drawing shows a house with the landscape of the south of Chiloe. I like the house because of the materiality was made, wood and recycled oxidized zinc who gives a peculiar red color which contrast with the context and looks good with the wood and I thought it would be interesting to drawing and painting it. First, I made the sketch with graphite, then I inking with black ink pens and i finished paint with watercolors I think I spent like 3 or 4 hours made the draw the best part was paint because I really like the colors I used. I very like draw and painting because is relaxing and is useful for express myself and clears me when I have stress, or
Today I’m going to write about a job I’d like to do. Actually, I have done a few jobs in my time. When I was 14, I did my first part time job. I worked in a fruit store as a fruit seller , then I worked in a supermarket as a packer at the same time I had my first full time job in a fishing industry as plant machine operator cleaning the dirty bins of salmon and ice bins which enter in the industry with a big water hose and then I worked part time as an assistant builder. Anyway, the job I would like to do maybe is a furniture designer because I like to create things which will be used by someone or me, and if they help and improve or make a difference with the design for making the function better. I would like to see a house with my furniture. I would like to design furniture because you improve your creativity, you know materials and you learn different kinds of solution for furniture. Personally, I love to work with wood especially with cedar, cypress and “ciruelillo”. The
Hello everyone it’s another Friday blog and today I’m going to write about a friend. This friend is Martin. I first met him in 2006 i guess when my mother invited me to go to a house of a colleague and his son is Martin, I remember playing with him Smash bro in the Nintendo gamecube until the night and from then I visited frequently to play video games because he was not far from my house. Also, he lent me some games I didn’t have. In 8th grade we went to the same school, we played truco in the breaks and we did the classwork together. He is very good at English and I asked for help if I had a doubt.  I like Martin because he was funny and a very kind person. He still is. In the high school we took different paths he took Physical Math and I took Biologic Math, he was coming to visit in the break sometimes or I was going to visit him. When we came of high school, he decided to study engineering in Valparaiso and I stayed in Chiloe because I didn’t know well what to study. After