
Hello everyone, today I will write about a drawing I did. This draw was made with water colors and ink pens and was my first time I used watercolors. The place I drew is in Chiloe near to Queilen a little city in the south of the island I saw it in a magazine of houses and I really like it because his background of sea and green hills. In the drawing shows a house with the landscape of the south of Chiloe. I like the house because of the materiality was made, wood and recycled oxidized zinc who gives a peculiar red color which contrast with the context and looks good with the wood and I thought it would be interesting to drawing and painting it. First, I made the sketch with graphite, then I inking with black ink pens and i finished paint with watercolors I think I spent like 3 or 4 hours made the draw the best part was paint because I really like the colors I used. I very like draw and painting because is relaxing and is useful for express myself and clears me when I have stress, or I don’t feel good. I sketch things who interesting me landscape, houses or characters I create and if I have time, I paint it but I not very good at it. I really like to have enough of time to improve my skills with the watercolors and paint new and old draws I made to give them life. Thanks for taking the time to read, have a wonderful day!


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