Final post

Hello is almost the end of the year and the last post too, I will write about my experience with the blog. My favorite theme was about the draw or photo because is easier to me write about something I like to do.My least favorite theme was about the job because was hard to me to write about it, maybe because is not a thing I interest to think now. Also, one of the post I really enjoyed writing was the free post because was easy to me to write about something I know well like a typical food of my land. The blog I enjoyed reading was the Simon blog and the Benjamin blog. Simon do a lot interesting thing and have good stories. The Benjamin blog is well writing and have post about artist and YouTube channels. I noticed of my improved for write in English, now is easier than before is a convenient practice. In addition, I learned when use the “wich” and the “who” and use more the full stops and comas. I believe the blogs are very useful for learning english for three main raisons. First, it’s help you to improve your lexicon and learn new words.Second is useful for learn to redact in English and the last one it’s helpt you to aware about  grammatical mistakes and make coherent sentences. Thanks for take the time for reading my posts have good end of semester !!


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